This beloved family tradition has captured the hearts of children everywhere who embrace the magic of having a Scout Elf...
Scout Elves will stay super warm in this stylish outfit—made all the merrier with iconic patterns in bold red and...
The World’s Smallest® The Elf On The Shelf® is an amazing miniature version of the original full-sized The Elf On...
This ultimate Christmas activity book features all your favourite characters from Santa’s North Pole and has 100+ pages packed with...
Scout Elves love to go airborne! Suspended overhead or swooping in for a happy landing, this vibrant holiday plane will...
Countdown to Christmas with a train-shaped Advent Calendar filled with daily surprises that create a colourful, playable Christmas tree farm...
It’s the Night Before Christmas and everything is perfectly prepared for Santa’s arrival… or is it? Follow along with one...
Niceometer cushion! Add a dash of Christmas magic with this The Elf on The Shelf® cushion. This official The Elf on...
The Elf on the Shelf Candy Canes and Ladders game is fun and festive way to get your family in Christmas...
Unlock your little one's artistic flair with the enchanting The Elf on the Shelf® Artists Pad. This captivating colouring companion...